Rough Waters Shift Vendée Globe Finishers Off Course: Unplanned Celebrations Ensue in La Rochelle

Published: 27 Jan 2025
In a twist of fate, stormy seas force the latest Vendée Globe finishers, Benjamin Dutreux and Clarisse Crémer, away from the exalted finish at Les Sables d'Olonne.

In a tussle with Mother Nature, the anticipated climax of the Vendée Globe race took an unexpected turn. Just when the solo skippers, Benjamin Dutreux and Clarisse Crémer, were about to bask in the glory of their victory, rough waters forced them to change course. The North Atlantic storm made Les Sables d’Olonne, the revered finish line, unsafe for the seafarers to venture into. Safety at sea is cardinal, and so they decided to divert their path towards La Rochelle. While the finish was different than they pictured, it was nonetheless filled with warmth and celebration. La Rochelle greeted the skilled mariners with open arms, making the unplanned detour a memorable occasion.

The tumultuous ordeal was not just limited to the top 10 finishers. The sweeping depression led to multiple sailors having to adapt their course of action. Among them, Boris Herrmann and Sam Davies had to slow down, letting the worst of the storm pass, putting their finishing attempts on hold. They are expected to be the next skippers to cross the finish line, adding to the growing list of Vendée Globe participants who embraced the unforeseen changes.

The thrilling episode underscores the fact that the sea remains unpredictable, no matter the circumstances. The hardened skippers who embark on the seafaring odyssey called Vendée Globe know this all well. The finish line, no matter where it lies, is an accomplishment in itself, and diverting to La Rochelle has allowed Dutreux and Crémer to bask in an unexpected celebration of their hard-fought victory.