Superyacht Company Pinmar Rethinks Golf Tournament Resurgence, Emphasizes Support for New Events

Published: 11 Feb 2025
Pinmar, a stalwart of the superyacht industry, revises its plan to reignite its former golf tournament, instead choosing to support emerging golf events through strategic sponsorship.

When Pinmar’s famed golf tournament drew to a close in 2019, it left a void that was swiftly filled by a new wave of industry golf events. The rise of these gatherings dotted and enlivened the superyacht industry’s social calendar. Rather than risk crowding the event landscape and dwarfing the singular charm of each assembly, Pinmar fittingly concludes to augment and not compete with these events.

The decision to pivot from reinstating its own tournament to supporting the prosperous ones is reinforced by the company’s first-hand experience. Remy Millott, CEO of Pinmar’s parent company GYG Ltd, points out that reintroducing The Pinmar Golf could potentially impede the other tournaments’ momentum. These burgeoning events have quickly ingratiated themselves into the industry calendar, championing the superyacht and affiliated charities at a high level, a mantle earlier shouldered by the former Pinmar tournament.

This year marks a landmark actually; Pinmar commemorates 50 golden years in business. Celebrations are planned to acknowledge this significant milestone and honor the collective triumph, involving staff from across Europe and the USA.

The company ascribes its success to its band of diligent professionals worldwide who’ve contributed significantly behind the scenes throughout these years. As it readies itself to recognize its achievements over the last 50 years, it also remembers its loyal clients and Peter Allan, the founding father of the company, saluting their unwavering trust and support, integral to its journey to the remarkable present. A pool of potential engraved in a fable of the past, Pinmar rides the wave to an even subtly promising future.